Wednesday, March 31, 2010
all baby, all the time
when he is really hungry, he sucks on Daddy's nose.
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Garrett's first bath
Okay, don't throw him in, gently place him in the bath. And make sure the water isn't too hot. What would be relaxing for you is way too hot for that little guy. Momma, Dad, and Grandma Bostwick fought the good fight and got the little guy clean, though Grandma Bostwick suffered the worst casualties.
The most concern came from the dog. Bobby was totally on edge during the entire bath. He paced, whined, worried, fretted, tried to climb up onto the counter and was generally afraid that we were performing some sort of child sacrifice. Since then, this little dog has become very protective of his little boy. He keeps a careful watch and is ready at any moment to protect him from any bath-givers. I guess the dog and the baby can relate.
But in the end he is so darn cute we just kiss him so much that he probably needs another bath.
This kid is just so perfect!
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Garrett Thomas
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Once Upon A Time...
You know, this one...
It all started with my insatiable desire for information. For some reason, I was wondering why we begin stories with "once upon a time". So, I hopped on the Internet (dear wireless internet, what would I do without you??) and typed "once upon a time" in the search box. Up came a link to Wikipedia. Now, in hard core research situations, I am pretty anti-Wikipedia... but in this case it seemed like the perfect place to look.
And wouldn't you know it, Wikipedia knew how we started using this phrase...
Once upon a time -
Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: "Once upon a time" is a stock phrase that
has been used in some form since at least 1380 (according to the Oxford English
Dictionary) in storytelling in the English language, and seems to have become a
widely accepted convention for opening oral narratives by around 1600. These
stories often then end with '... and they all lived happily ever after', or,
originally, 'happily until their deaths'. These are examples of the narrative
form, and occur most frequently in the narratives produced for children aged
between 6 and 8.
It is particularly apparent in fairytales for younger children, where it is almost always the opening line of a tale. It was commonly used in the original translations of the stories of Charles Perrault as a translation for the French il était une fois, and of Hans Christian Andersen as a translation for the Danish det var engang, and the
Brothers Grimm as a translation for the German es war einmal.
Now, Wikipedia didn't stop there, although I would have been satisfied with that answer.
No way! Wikipedia had a list of 69 other languages that also use this phrase in some variation as a beginning to their stories. And it had the translations. Now, that just jumped out at me as being way too interesting to just click away from. So, I methodically copied and pasted each and every translation into a word document.
I found the big "O" on Daily Drop Cap where the designer posts a newly styled capital letter every day. It is pretty fun to scroll through and see your initials, or the initials of your yet unborn son (wouldn't you like to know the letters I looked at!).
I printed it all out and slammed it in a frame we already had lying around and TA-DA free art for the baby's room. And I learned a little something in the process.
Monday, March 15, 2010
new 'do, new duds
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
slight OCD
Monday, March 1, 2010
Baby Room Revealed
shelves over the dresser
Nearly everything in the baby's room was either a gift, or purchased with a gift card. We were so blessed to be able to put together such an amazing room. The crib and dresser are from the Nordells, the rocker was a gift from my parents, all the books and toys were gifts (other than the orange hippo in the crib... I paid $5 for that at Ikea because I couldn't imagine myself without it; oh and the puppy on the bookshelf... that was mine when I was a baby). The bookshelf, canvas bins, and blue laundry hampers were all purchased at Target with gift cards (so much more fun to shop with giftcards!). The blanket is handmade by Ashley. The framed print on the bookshelf is a card from my cousin Paula, the Eiffel Tower print is from the Welbourns. The "Once upon a time" print was a DIY project by yours truly.
And there you have it, the baby's room. We both love it and I find myself gravitating toward the rocker. I think it might be the most comfortable spot in the house. This room is definitely the only completed room in the house, and probably the cutest too. And now, if its occupant would please vacate his current quarters...
Monkey Bread
But, for those who are interested in the monkey bread... this is what it looks like in all its glory. Yum!
It was delicious. We ate half of it for breakfast on Saturday morning. Yes, I did get up and put it in the oven and then go back to bed for 40 minutes. No use being up and drooling over the oven.
When you flip the bread out of the pan, the bottom becomes the top. And the top is covered in gooey, yummy caramely delicious-ness. In my opinion, this makes the cream cheese glaze useless. However, after you eat the top half, the bottom half is a little sad. I think the glaze would be perfect here.
And, although I did make the dough from scratch... because it really is easy and I already had everything it called for... I suppose you could use refrigerated. But, it seems so much more impressive to make it from scratch. Plus, it gives my KitchenAid some love!