Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Notes from a Father in training

Today we took a family outing. As far as I can remember (which isn't saying much; the details of the last few weeks are foggy at best) today's foray was the first major outing of little Garrett's life. We had planned to go out to a park in Irvine, but we found out that the park was closed due to the recent rain. So, my mother, being ever so flexible suggested we venture out to the mall.

In preparation for this event I grabbed the diaper bag out of the car, filled my wife's water bottle, packed a few snacks and made sure we were fully stocked to be away from home for a few hours.

Into the car loaded mom, dad, baby, the always glowing grandma, and the ever-proud grandpa and off we went. When we arrived, I pulled out the stroller, pulled out the baby, and was all set to go when Laura asked for the diaper bag. Ah! The diaper bag! I left the fully loaded, freshly stocked diaper bad on the kitchen counter! How could I be so dumb!

And so here is the lesson, for the few to-be dads that I know: Remember the diaper bag. It wasn't the end of the world not having it, but it did slightly hamper the sense of freedom we had while we were out and about. But mostly, I felt stupid for forgetting it. The best of intentions never win bonus points, it is only the impressive, thoughtful follow through. Next time, I'll be prepared.

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