Friday, April 2, 2010

Breaking news!

I love my little boy! Okay, I know, that is old news. Nearly two weeks old, but it seems so much older than that. But this is old news that I feel very proud about. It was so easy to fall in love with him. It is so easy to sit and watch him. Laura and I lose track of the time so often while watching him.

I have been wondering though, when I'll start feeling like a father. So far, I've felt just like a guy taking care of a little one. As much as I love him, want to take care of him, and watch him, and give his little cheek kisses, I haven't felt any part of me become particularly fatherly. I think I keep waiting for Garrett to climb into bed with me in the morning and ask to go for a bike ride or to play outside. I long for a knowing smile and an eager laugh. My wife reminds me that this time is fleeting, that the time for play will be fast upon us; she reminds me that he won't be this small for long. So for now, I try to enjoy him and all his cuteness. I can't help from capturing it all, too. And, as a proud pappa, I can't resist sharing. So here you go, some more clips of my beloved son.


Anonymous said...

Thank you. I check at least twice a day for new video because I can never get enough of our Garrett. Gigi

natalie said...

hmmmm....all your comments sound pretty fatherly to me.

Sheryl said...

Love the clips and the commentary. He will play soon enough. It won't be long and you will get that recognition smile and laugh. Tony was two months old when he responded with smiles to me. And I am just his grandma.

Garrett is incredibly alert for being less than two weeks old. You two make wonderful parents.