Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Kandern, pronounced 'Kondern'

By the way, in case there was any confusion, those boots are for Laura. But aside from clothing I am very excited to write about a relaxing and inspiring evening Laura and I had on Sunday.

Sunday evening Laura and I went over to Dave and Emma's house. Emma is the teacher that I work with that originally suggested we consider working at BFA. Before I get into this too much, I just have to say that they have the cutest daughter Claire. Okay, now I can proceed. We went over there just to talk about their experience at Black Forest Academy and what it was like to live abroad for a year. It was so good to listen to them. It was very exciting for us and the best part was that it wasn't stressful at all.

Once we left, Laura and I agreed that it helped get us excited about what we are planning to do. So much of what we have been going through lately has been stressful- raise the money, sell our stuff, finish school, plan for summer school, evaluate finances, visit friends, etc- that we haven't had much time to dream about what it will be like. Talking with Dave and Emma gave us some really great ideas to dream about. They painted a vivid picture of life in the town and what the kids and school are like. (They worked as dorm parents, so they were there is a different capacity, but they still had a better perspective than we have now.)

They also gave us some helpful hints on what to pack and what to leave. They also shared with us how we will probably interact with our students. They told us how, if we make the effort, we can really become a part of our students lives. They said how some teachers would visit the dorms, or even invite students over for dinner or study groups. It was encouraging to know that we will actually have many opportunities to be a part of the community and the lives of our students outside of the classroom.

We enjoyed hamburgers, and baked potatoes, and ice cream sandwiches. We looked at all of their pictures and thoroughly enjoyed their company. The evening has reinvigorated us and provided us with a renewed sense of excitement. Thanks again Emma and Dave.

Oh yea, and they told us that Kandern is pronounced 'Kondern.'


Sheryl said...

Skip and I are going on a short term mission trip next May. We share your excitement and concerns. It has just become a reality to us that WE ARE GOING. We will be going to Moldova for a month. I can tell you about it when I see you. It will be very nice to see you, and meet your dog.

Anonymous said...

Just goes to show how our dear sweet Lord uses other people in our lives for His good work. Mom D

Robin said...

You're going to Winnipeg? I'm confused.

Robin said...

You are kidding! I thought I knew the name from somewhere! Oh, my gosh! The mother country! Where are you staying?!?!? When do you arrive? When do you leave? You need to call me. I will tell you everywhere to eat. You can even check out my old church if you want. I am so happy. You should meet up with one of my best friends who runs a clothing shop up there. She'll give you a great deal! Wow. This actually means a lot to me. Few of my friends have been to my home. So this is a big deal!

Anonymous said...

Are those boots really for Laura?

natalie said...

dave and emma...my friends that were there that i mentioned in an earlier comment...were in youth group together at whbc...so cool that we now have them in common! small world....so glad you were encouraged.