Thursday, May 14, 2009


For those of you reading this from sunny California, you are expecting me to write about seasons of life. Because those are the only seasons you know, well, and summer. But, for the rest of the world a few degrees further above or below the equator, seasons are those divisions in the year where the weather changes. Changes?!? I know, in some places, it isn't warm or warmer. It is Spring or Summer.
We are in our third seasonal change in Kandern, and it is officially spring. How do we know it is spring? For one thing, we haven't had snow for months. Despite all the Johnny Raincloud naysayers that assured us there would be more snow in March we have been snow free for at least 2 months. Take that... imagine me with my hands on my hips sticking my tongue out!
Also, the trees went from looking like dead twigs to springing alive with bright green leaves. If you stood and looked out the window, it felt as if you were watching the color spread and deepen before your very eyes. Empty fields were blooming with daffodils and tulips, seemingly overnight.
Bugs literally crawled out of the woodwork making us beg to know why Germans just don't do screens. And spring brings storms, thunderstorms.
Again, for my So Cal counterparts, let me explain what these are. They are one of the most fascinating displays of God's power I have experienced. And they come every day.
Prior to experiencing thunder in Germany, I have to admit I was terrified of it. It may have something to do with a particular thunderstorm in Kansas that may or may not have shaken the entire house and scared the living daylights out of a particular little girl (hello, that was me!) But grown-up-Laura is much more mature about thunder. Especially now that it is a daily occurrence.
The day may start out sunny or cloudy, really there is no difference. And then as the day progresses, you can feel the humidity rising and then rain drops start dribbling or it starts with a rumble and you think "today's storm is here".
I love it. I have always loved rain. And by rain I don't mean 2 inches per year, but pounding rain that drums you to sleep, rain that makes you want to curl up under a blanket and listen, not rain that by the time you get under the blanket, it is gone and the rain is done for another year.
Spring in Germany is beautiful. Possibly, my favorite season so far. Although the fall colors and crisp air were beautiful. And the snow flakes. Oh dear. I think I love seasons, all of them!
But, if you really listen, you can hear the rain start to pitter patter on our windows. Because today's storm just rolled in.


Anonymous said...

Beautifully written, Laura.
Mom D

Anonymous said...

Your Mom and I grew up with the four seasons and understand the beauty of each season. I have always loved Spring and Fall the best because of all the color that God spreads around for us to take in. The smell of a Spring rain is also high on my list. I am glad you have enjoyed experiencing the wonder of the seasons. Dad B

Jenn K. said...

I really did expect you to start talking about seasons of life. We do know summer in this area. It has been hot. Thanks for sharing about your life over there.