Wednesday, April 16, 2008

All that goes into this...

It's a little after 8:30 and I'm sitting here feeling pretty tired. I taught my classes all day and then went to the swim meet, (varsity boys lost by 2). I knew that I wanted to add another blog post but as I sat here all I could think about was how much work this whole missionary thing is taking.

Last night, Laura and I spent a few hours folding, stuffing, addressing, and stamping support letters. It seems like most of our free time is now being consumed with doing whatever we can to make teaching at BFA a reality, but there are so many things to consider. It is really exhausting. I never, ever would have guessed that there is so much that goes into planning to be a missionary. When I led the missions trip to Scotland in college there was a lot of work that went into that, but that was only for 3 weeks. This process of planning to be gone for a whole year is overwhelming.

Through this experience so far, I have learned to have a much, much greater respect for missionaries and all that they have to do. Everyday there seems to be new questions, new concerns and worries, but Laura and I keep praying. We pray every night together and we pray every day on our own. We thank the Lord for the energy He give us, and we lay all of our burdens and concerns down at His feet. We are really learning to walk in faith that He will provide for all of our needs, but it is a surprisingly difficult lesson to learn.


Robin said...

Yay for two things: (1) your mission!!! and (2) your new blog. Welcome to the blog world. We are so happy for you guys on this new adventure. Got your support letter today... well written! Count us in! It's going to be weird with you gone. You have to get Skype, so Laura and I can talk for free.

Unknown said...

Laina told me about your big trip. What a big step of faith! How cool! God will provide your support...just trust him and get those letters out!

Connie said...

Trusting in the Lord with all your heart is so simple, yet so hard. Hard is the letting go and trusting.
Your relief will be in taking the position of following and leave the leading to our Lord who has all your steps planned out. love Mom D