Thursday, September 15, 2011


Yesterday morning, I walked out the door with Garrett.  In one hand I had the diaper bag, complete with water bottle and snack.  In the other, I had my purse, complete with Bible and notebook ready to be filled with BSF notes.  What I failed to grab on my way out the now locked door, were my keys.I checked all the doors, and they were in fact locked.  So, my only option was to climb in through a window.  You never notice how dirty the outside window sills are until you have to climb through one.  I brought Garrett into the backyard, removed a screen, pulled up a chair, and shimmied through.  I am also not as bendy as I used to be.
Once inside, I grabbed my keys, let myself out the front door, and ran around back to get Garrett and head for Bible Study.  Garrett was nowhere to be found.  He had let himself in the house by climbing through the doggie door.  I got down on the ground, shoved my arm through the dog door and coaxed my now laughing son back through the door.
Next time, I am sending Garrett in for the keys.


Anonymous said...

Oh Laura, that is a hilarious story, one for the memory bank.
I can just picture Garrett scooting through the dog door, sitting there and laughing at the funny new game.
love, Gigi

Anonymous said...
