Monday, September 26, 2011


Garrett's favorite things seem to shift from day to day.  He is fickle.
However, over this weekend, two things emerged at the top of his list.
First, this book...

We watched a cartoon called Willa's Wild Life.  This book is the basis for the cartoon.  So, when I found it at a local bookstore for $5.99, I scooped it up.  We have read it easily a dozen times since Saturday. 

Second, dancing. 
G loves to play with our alarm clock.  As soon as he pushes the power button, he starts dancing.  I will spare you the details of my dancing, and Adam's dancing for that matter.  But, one thing is clear, Garrett gets his moves from his daddy.


Anonymous said...


How adorable is that!!!

Garrett, you've got rhythm for sure.

love, your Gigi

Anonymous said...

sweet! my nephew likes Pearl Jam!

- Ricky

grandma said...

Oh, my goodness, that is too cute!!