Wednesday, August 31, 2011


It has been hot here.  
So, I decided we needed a cold treat.

We headed to McDonalds. 
 I am normally vehemently against fast food (In N Out and Chipotle excluded, obviously).
But, I do love McD's iced coffee.  And I had a coupon for a free ice cream cone.

Garrett had his first McD ice cream cone. 
He loved it... as soon as I removed the paper wrapper from the cone. 
G has a strange aversion to things that resemble stickers.  Normally there is gagging involved.

Why do kids always want to bite the bottom off of the cone?

1 comment:

Andrew & Danica said...

I must confess, we don't eat there, but I am a McD iced coffee fiend, cheaper than Starbucks and big. Big when caffeine is involved=good.