Tuesday, May 31, 2011

first trip to the ER

On Sunday, a woman at church gave me, what I believed to be sound advice.  Make a deal with your kids to not sustain any serious injuries unless Dad is home.  I thought that sounded brilliant, and Sunday night sat down with Garrett and made the deal.  Monday, Adam was off work, and Garrett thought that was license to convince Bobby to eat his face.  I am starting to think our deal was a poor decision.

We took our first trip to the ER with Garrett yesterday.  Our dog bit him in the face. 
[Now, keep your dog bite comments to yourself.  This was an isolated incident, Garrett and Bobby share in the responsibility and we are keeping a VERY close watch on the dog.]

Yes, that is a blood stain on his shirt.  Thank you Melaluca spot remover- it is gone.

Garrett was a real trooper and bounced back way faster than I did. (Adam was fine.  He was laughing about it by dinnertime.  I went to bed with a stress headache.)  Adam correctly diagnosed me with an inability to shut off the mama bear instinct.

Anyway.  We had a great expreience at the ER.  They checked for any damage to his eyes (super cool procedure by the way!  The doctor put special liquid in and around his eyes, then shone a black light on his face.  Everywhere there was a cut, it glowed neon green.  He looked like an x-man.)  There was none.  They indicated that he didn't need stitches (unless we wanted them done for cosmetic reasons, which we didn't because they would have to sedate G and that sounded way more traumatic).  A snack and Garrett was ready to play.

We just thought you might want to know how our Memorial Day went.


Anonymous said...

Laura, I'm with you. I would have been stressed all day long! So glad that Garrett was okay!


Anonymous said...

He's made of tough stuff. takes a bitten and keeps on tickin... Love Dad

grandma said...

You need to post so recent pics of Garrett so everyone can see that he is all healed up already!!