Tuesday, June 16, 2009

I can't wait to not feel like an idiot

Today Laura and I actually had a full morning. We woke up early (before 8am! Oh, this summer thing gets tough.) We took the car in for an oil change and to get some new brakes put on.
We did some errands in Kandern, stopped at the bakery for a croissant and coffee, and picked up the bill from the dentist for the work he did a few months back.

When we returned home, Laura logged onto our German bank account to transfer payment to the dentist. I was sitting next to her on the couch and as she clicked on the online-banking tab she said "online banking." Now, I can forgive a mistake or two every once in a while, but we have been here for nearly a full year, and I thought it was high time for my wife to get her pronunciation correct. So, being the German expert that I am, I corrected her by saying "bonking." She repeated "online bonking," and giggled. It was cute. Then she unleashed the quotation of the day: "I can't wait to not feel like an idiot every day." This, of course, is referring to our daily struggle of German culture, language, and living. But if you ask me, Laura has really done an amazing job of learning a lot of important words and phrases. So though she might feel like one sometimes, she is no idiot. And I'm proud of her.


Anonymous said...

Don't worry I felt like an idiot being back in the States. I stood in the coffee isle at the grocery store for ten minutes trying to figure out what coffee to get. I was completely overwhelmed possibly even entranced by the 15 brands and 32 flavors. I had to be retrieved by a friend who kindly listened as I explained my grocery store could fit in the produce section of this one and I only ever see 2 types of coffee Caf and Decaf. Enjoy it, Blessings.

Andrew K. Siefers, LPC said...

you are a really sweet and sappy husband that is just right for her... good for you guys. too bad you are not coming to TX.
