Sunday, May 17, 2009


The World Wide Web is a lonely place... you put up pictures and write witty things, all in the name of "staying in touch". But here's the deal, that communication is really one way. Right? From us to you... so here is the shameless plea: post comments, send emails, or something. So that we know we aren't just communicating with the spammers and creap-o types out there.
Doesn't have to be anything too fancy-shmancy, but a little comment of "wow, thanks for telling me about your life" or "you really are the most witty and intelligent people I know", things of that nature would make this lonely blog so much more cozy.
Plus, we want to hear about your life... and you don't all have blogs. So, if you don't want to post a comment, start a blog and update all the time so we can "stay in touch".


natalie said...

i read every post...but don't comment. i hate that too on my blog, so i'm not sure why i don't do it. but i do love keeping up with your life!

Anonymous said...

Adam and Laura, You do a fantastic job of bloging your experiences at BFA. The pictures and posts help us have insights into your lives there and help to know how better to pray and support you. We love you and want you to keep up the great blog for us to keep up on you. Love Dad B

Renelle Davis said...

Hey guys - I feel the same way! I don't get too many comments and it's frustrating! :) I love to read your posts though...I'll try to leave comments on ALL your posts. :) Hope you guys are doing well!!!

Andrew K. Siefers, LPC said...

read it all, often, and can't seem to put it down... you are great at writing and I really really really like looking at new pictures... I can't get enough of those and think adam has an amazing eye.

you can keep up with me if you want, but its not as well put together and exciting...

Pastor Eldred said...

Let me tell you how much I love your blog . . . I have your picture feed powering my desktop gadget. I usually run my own photos through there, as a "trip down memory lane" but you guys' photos, well, they rock my face off (something I never imagined saying as a pastor!). I am glad to see the photo feed update each morning, and I play "guess where the picture was taken" all by myself. Right now, I'm looking at a river, oh now it's a banner saying "An der Schwemm...", and now it's a parking lot (I imagine those are maybe the dorms in the back?).

Anyway, keep keeping us posted. I DO read all about it!

Anonymous said...

hey, i check your blog everyday for updates, but we also facebook too...still, love the notes and pics, and I love and miss you guys. Only a few more months!


Anonymous said...

I comment all the time, but I usually forget to mark anonymous so it doesn't get posted, then I forget what I wrote and lose that creative mood. Anyway, hearing your voices is like hearing a sweet Boz Scaggs song to my ears. That's what I look forward to. But the blog is right up there. The pics? Some I love, some I don't. But you knew that. That's nothing new.
Hi Renelle, Natalie, Dad B and Rickles.

Unknown said...

Thank you for all of your comments. We are inspired that we are really staying in touch.
Laura (for the both of us!)

Laina Diane said...

our computer broke in the middle of an email I was writing to you last week. No joke. Dear Adam and Laura and blah blah blah, and *poof* Gone. Just gone. black screen, can't get it to turn on again. So I'm finally at a work computer that has internet access. I'll write an email to you at lunch! keep blogging! Me likey!