Thursday, May 7, 2009

I found this to be very exciting

I came across this video and I found it to be totally exciting. As a good American, I only know one language. I quickly took my two required years of Spanish in high school and then quickly forgot everything. Boy, do I regret not learning a language.

I think something like this is really cool, an amazing opportunity, and an awesome use of technology. I shared this video with my small group guys. Between them they are fluent in 5 1/2 languages. They found it to be really cool, too. I don't know if they are going to do anything about it; they are still quite busy with school (although Phil emailed to get more information). Anyway, I thought that I would reach out to the small readership we do have and pass the word along. And you can pass the word along. Post the link on your blog, tell people about it. Check out the website. Good stuff.

Next thing. As a part of the new staff this year, Laura and I have been going to new staff gatherings once a quarter. Last week was the last one for they year, our "graduation" as it was advertised. During the meeting, kristi Schliep, the woman in charge of recruiting said something amazing. She explained to us that no matter what she does, how hard she works, or how word gets around about BFA "it is a miracle everytime someone gets here." She explained that the entire process, from start to finish, every year, is nothing short than an obvious miracle of God. First she has to find, or connect with interested parties, they have to raise support, the right position needs to be figured out, housing, transportation over here, etc. She painted a very enlightening picture (something that I have failed to do here) of what it is like to decide on the positions needed, find people, and make it all come together that everytime it works successfully, it is a true miracle. I really found her words to be moving.
So, pray for some miracles here at BFA. The school seems to be quite set in the teaching arena, however, there is some desperate need on the housing side. The dorms need male RAs and a set of dorm parents for next year. This is getting to be an urgent need. These positions are vital to the success of this school, and the service it provides to many, many missionary families, and its ministry.

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