Wednesday, September 8, 2010

green beans

Garrett is an amazing eater; he has been since day 1.  He has done exceedingly well with each of the solid foods we have introduced... except green beans.  Now, green beans don't exactly strike me as a "first food", but my internet source assures me that they are.  So, I steamed them, pureed them, and offered them.  Adam videotaped.  The green beans did not receive a warm welcome.

We have given Garrett a break from the green beans.  He is eating rice cereal, avocado, banana, and sweet potatoes with no problem.  Next up... butternut squash.  Then peas.  Then apples.  Maybe oatmeal or pears.  Oh the culinary choices.
As a side note... I love LOVE the kidco food mill my cousin handed down to me.  It is
amazing, a little messy, but in a fun play-doh sort of way.  If you are thinking of making your own baby food, this a much less expensive solution than a food processor.  Unless of course, you really want a food processor, than by all means, don't let me deter you from purchasing a kitchen gadget!


grandma b said...

Wow!! He does NOT like green beans. Takes after his daddy, I guess. Luckily there are other green veggies out there that he might like better.

Anonymous said...

Garrett, you come up here. Gigi won't make you eat green beans! :(

Although, his expressions are adorable; even to not swallow!

Too cute!!!

Anonymous said...

Hey, just add sugar or put it in some yogurt. Works every time.
El T.

Anonymous said...

Ezra hated them too! Must be the consistency or something! - Heather

Anonymous said...

This made my day, and it's not even 7:30 yet. Plus, since we have colds, teething and about 0 sleep that's saying a lot. -Danica