Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Oh, what a process!

Who knew setting up a blog would be such a process? For the last 30 minutes Laura and I have been agonizing (she says collaborating) over the name, email, and layout of this new endeavor. She wanted a "cute" name. I wanted Adam and Laura. She wanted a cute layout. I wanted the orange one. And the email is still a possible work in progress. Anyway, before we get too far into this messy world of cyberspace, allow me to explain our "cute" blog title. Once it is explained it really is oh, so cute! Our last name, DeClercq, is often mispronounced and always misspelled. The various spellings of our name have been really creative. My favorite misspelling is "Decelery". It makes me laugh every time I get that one. Second choice-Delarugs. I have no idea how these permutations come about but they make for some fun reading when tossing the junk mail. Frequently, however, we see our name spelling Declerq, Declercque, Declerck, or even Declerco. But really, it's just cq. And thus, the name of our blog.

Hey, honey, I think we just finished our first post. And I think it is pretty funny.

Hey Sweetheart... I think you are right. It might even be considered "cute".


Laina Diane said...

Hey guys,
I heard about your blog from Dad. It's very cute. haha. Oh, yeah...check the spelling on laura's email address. Was that on purpose or did you get caught up in the moment of the many misspellings of our name?
Love you guys

Chief Monkey said...

I think you guys have done an awesome job on this blog set up. I look forward to reading about your adventures and progresses in Germany.